Programmable Marquee Displays
AVG Uticor Marquees can be found in numerous applications throughout all

industries. In 1996, a CONTROL ENGINEERING Magazine study named the AVG Uticor brand of Marquees as the most specified and recognized Marquee product line in industry.
Marquees are intended for use where messages need to be conveyed over large visual distances up to 400 ft. (121.9 m). Hence, they have larger display areas and character heights than are found in AVG Uticor's Programmable Message Display product line. These extremely versatile products, enable your PLC or control system to display vital production status or alarm messages to plant-floor personnel in real time.
AVG Uticor offers three lines of Marquees:
Slave Marquees do not store messages. They are typically used with a Master Marquee, Master Message Display, Message Controller or a Touchscreen Programmable Graphical Interface. A Master Marquee, Master Message Display, Message Controller, or Touchscreen Program-mable Graphical Interface can drive a network of several Slaves. Each Slave used on a network has a unique address. Addressing scheme allows a message to be sent to one, several, or all Slaves on the network. Slave Marquees include PMD 1100, PMD 1200, and PMD 1205.
The LED-based Numerical Marquee comes in a 4 digit (PMD 1404) or 6 digit (PMD 1406) versions. With 7-segmented LEDs, these displays only show numerical values. Any PMD 1404 or 1406 can be used as a Master to drive additional PMD 1404 or 1406 units as Slaves.
Marquees are intended for use where messages need to be conveyed over large visual distances up to 400 ft. (121.9 m). Hence, they have larger display areas and character heights than are found in AVG Uticor's Programmable Message Display product line. These extremely versatile products, enable your PLC or control system to display vital production status or alarm messages to plant-floor personnel in real time.
AVG Uticor offers three lines of Marquees:
- LED-based Master Marquees
- LED-based Slave Marquees
- LED-based Numerical Marquees
Slave Marquees do not store messages. They are typically used with a Master Marquee, Master Message Display, Message Controller or a Touchscreen Programmable Graphical Interface. A Master Marquee, Master Message Display, Message Controller, or Touchscreen Program-mable Graphical Interface can drive a network of several Slaves. Each Slave used on a network has a unique address. Addressing scheme allows a message to be sent to one, several, or all Slaves on the network. Slave Marquees include PMD 1100, PMD 1200, and PMD 1205.
The LED-based Numerical Marquee comes in a 4 digit (PMD 1404) or 6 digit (PMD 1406) versions. With 7-segmented LEDs, these displays only show numerical values. Any PMD 1404 or 1406 can be used as a Master to drive additional PMD 1404 or 1406 units as Slaves.

Selecting the Right Model
The PMD Master Marquee receives Message inputs from a PC or PLC and outputs Messages to one or more Slave units installed at strategic locations throughout the user's plant. A PC can be connected for programming purposes. AVG UTICOR offers a variety of Marquee models to meet different application needs. A user will select a Marquee based on following criteria:- Visibility Distance (size of characters)
- Number of lines on display
- Characters per line
- PLC Connectivity